Half of the final 16 teams in the Triple Crown 18u Fastpitch World Series have secured their spots, with eight more to get their chance at the cut on Friday.
Frost Elite Landon and Firecrackers-Leles each eked out one-run victories on Thursday to advance, as did Team Velocity. They are joined by Grind Time Softball as part of the eight teams in the mix – the other four teams are Washington Warriors, Athletics Jendro-Wayne, NW Sidewinders Tyee and Athletics Jendro Premier. In the 16u division, eight of the final 16 have also been determined: Top 9 Sports, WA Angels-Jager, Lil Rebels Gordie/TC, Firecrackers Medina/Olguin, Firecrackers Keene, SoCal Athletics Marinakis/Jaquish, SoCal Choppers Rohr/Fausett and EC Bullets CA-Delamater. 16/18u Schedule & Scores AthletesGoLive Leaderboard Over in Park City, another cluster of eight teams is still in the fight after Thursday’s contests: WA Acers Gaines/McGee, Lady Kingers Trickel, ThunderCats NXT, Sno Shock Shamrock, NW Bullets, Colorado Angels Agnew, Bandits Breer and Batbusters Gomes/Cox. 14u Schedule & Scores AthletesGoLive Leaderboard |
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